Tony Robbins says that once you have a big enough "why", the "how" to achieve that why will become evident without you having to labour away thinking about it. Some people would refer to that as the law of attraction, I personally, call that life. I believe that when we start to make better decisions in our lives, like choosing to be happy, or choosing to be healthier in order to preserve our lives, so that we can share our knowledge with our descendants and live long enough to see them, then life has a way of smiling on us.
One of the really rewarding benefits of getting healthy and fit is noticing the changes that take place in your life and how confident you become in all areas of your life. Now before you think that this is going to turn into one of those think positive and you'll get ahead sermons, it's not. I intend to educate my readers with the truths that I have learned and provide information that can and will enable everyone to achieve results regardless of where they currently are.
Now, ask yourself what the reasons are that you have decided to look for information on how to change your physical appearance? Once you have determined that, then get yourself a journal and write that reason down.
Many of the world's most successful people will tell you that they all started out taking an inventory of their lives, and recording their progress step by step. Now what's totally fantastic about keeping a training journal is that you get to tell yourself what you've felt on your training days and what you have done on your days off. It's also great when you take regular pics of yourself to mark your progress.
The next step is to then find a workout programme that is going to help you to achieve your goals. That is where this blog hopes to assist as many as possible. You are on your way to starting a life changing journey, this could very well be a defining moment in your life, don't take it lightly but don't beat yourself up about it either and don't, don't get mad at yourself if and when you encounter challenges.
Now, if you haven't already determined your "why", take some time now before navigating the other articles on this blog and find your why.
Here's to your success.
One of the really rewarding benefits of getting healthy and fit is noticing the changes that take place in your life and how confident you become in all areas of your life. Now before you think that this is going to turn into one of those think positive and you'll get ahead sermons, it's not. I intend to educate my readers with the truths that I have learned and provide information that can and will enable everyone to achieve results regardless of where they currently are.
Now, ask yourself what the reasons are that you have decided to look for information on how to change your physical appearance? Once you have determined that, then get yourself a journal and write that reason down.
Many of the world's most successful people will tell you that they all started out taking an inventory of their lives, and recording their progress step by step. Now what's totally fantastic about keeping a training journal is that you get to tell yourself what you've felt on your training days and what you have done on your days off. It's also great when you take regular pics of yourself to mark your progress.
The next step is to then find a workout programme that is going to help you to achieve your goals. That is where this blog hopes to assist as many as possible. You are on your way to starting a life changing journey, this could very well be a defining moment in your life, don't take it lightly but don't beat yourself up about it either and don't, don't get mad at yourself if and when you encounter challenges.
Now, if you haven't already determined your "why", take some time now before navigating the other articles on this blog and find your why.
Here's to your success.