DM First Month Routine

As this is the first month's programme it will serve as a foundation and a break in routine. This programme if followed correctly will bring remarkable results out of just 12 sessions. Please ensure that you have had a look at the Training Principles page before starting this programme.

The routine that we are going to use for the first few months has helped to put more muscle on more people over the years than many others out there regardless of genetics. It has worked for the big names in bodybuilding, and also for professional athletes and it will work for you. The workout we'll be doing is the full body workout. The reason we use this routine is because there is a specific response that we want to get from the body.

We want to train in such a way so as to maximise muscle gain and decrease body fat. Some say it's not possible to do both at the same time and I would agree to a point but I have also seen results of tremendous fat loss while building muscle on this routine. Let's get into it. Follow this programme for 12 sessions and you will feel and see changes within this first month.

The Routine

Squats/Leg Press           :1 set of 15 reps
Pull-overs                    :1 set of 12 rep
Bench/Chest Press         :1 set of 15 reps
Barbell shoulder press    :1 set of 10 rep
Seated/Barbell Rows      :1 set of 10 reps
Close grip pulldowns      :1 set of 12 rep
Stiff legged deadlifts     :1 set of 15 reps
Crunches                       :1 set of 20 reps

You will measure your progress every workout by either lifting more weight, doing more reps with the same weight or getting through the routine in less time. All of those are indicators of progression. Be sure to do the exercises exactly as shown and remember to keep to the cadence. Best of luck, you have your road map for the first part of your journey so go on and take the first step towards the new you.