DM Month Four: Upping The Intensity

If you have been following the training regimens on this blog then you no doubt have been training for about half the year now and should not be able to recognize the person you are now. Well done to you for choosing the healthier option. At this stage of any training programme it is not uncommon to reach a plateau or a sticking point and so with that in mind this month's routine is going to be an absolute plateau blaster that will propel your growth even more. Have fun with it.

This is adapted from an exercise regimen called extended sets or giant sets. It is kind of like a split routine for super athletes. Remember to follow only the prescribed sets and to keep to the training principles as you have been doing all this time.

An extended or giant set is one massive set consisting of a few exercises per body part. Running through a full circuit of the exercises constitutes one set. You can then repeat the set for the required amount to fully fatigue the muscles. Take care with this one as this will have you breathing very heavy very quickly and taxing all of your body's systems as you do it. Good luck.

Monday: Legs & Shoulders
- Calf raises (20)
- Leg curls   (15)
- Leg extensions (15)
- Squats        (15)

Do all four exercises and then rest and then go back and repeat the circuit again. After you've completed this you can move on to the shoulder exercises after taking an adequate rest period.

- Dumbbell lateral raises (12)
- Seated dumbbell press (12)
- Bent over laterals         (12)
- Seated dumbbell shrugs (12)

Wednesday: Chest & Triceps
- Incline dumbbell press (10)
- Dumbbell flyes            (12)
- Bench Press                (12)

Rest and then repeat before moving on to the triceps exercises.

- Seated french press (12)
- Cable push downs   (12)
- Lying tricep extensions (12)

Friday: Back & Biceps
- Dumbbell Pullovers  (12)
- Close grip pulldowns (12)
- Barbell rows             (12)

Rest and then repeat before moving on to the biceps exercises.

- Dumbbell curls  (12)
- Barbell curls      (12)
- Preacher curls   (12)
- Reverse grip preacher curls (12)

And there you have it. The routine that will take you from your sticking point and propel your growth. You will be training specific body parts once a week or so but you can really focus on them on the days that you do train and then let them rest and grow. Remember to always follow a well nutritional diet when sculpting the body of your dreams.