The short answer is no. Allow me to expound on this for a minute ladies and hopefully after reading this you will have a new zest for the gym.
A quick study of human muscle tissue will show that there are no major differences between muscles in men and muscles in women. Let me say that again. My wife and I have the same muscle types in our bodies. We're both human and so our physiology is the same.
The reason that men can build big bulky muscle is because of the hormonal difference between men and women. The very substance that makes us different, quite literally makes us different. Men have testosterone which enables us to build big bulky muscle, while women, as you well know, have estrogen which allows female bodies to develop to a certain point and no further.
Just a quick side note here: there are professional female bodybuilders who lift weights and are bulky and those women will tell you that they take testosterone supplements to enable their muscles to develop to that level. So ladies, unless your body decides to start producing large quantities of testosterone, don't be afraid of lifting weights.
Hope that clears up some of the fallacies of weight lifting. Now, on to the reasons why you most definitely should be lifting weights. You're gonna love this. Lifting weights has the following good side effects:
- It builds lean muscle which is metabolically active ( basically means you're a fat burning machine all day long)
- It strengthens your bones (no osteoporosis for you as you age gracefully)
- It gives you incredible energy (be a mom that can play with her kids:-))
- It will improve your circulation ( healthy bodies make for healthy minds)
- It will make you happy ( endorphin release)
So drop the fear and get back to the gym. Remember to apply the principles of training so that you can progress and not regress. Looking forward to hearing about your progress.
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