Monday, August 8, 2011

Finding The Stick-To-It-Ness

We all struggle with this one at some point in our lives. It's called procrastination. A very huge percentage of human beings actually suffer with this condition although it is actually a learned habit. If it is a learned habit then that means that we can "unlearn" it and replace it with a more productive habit.

At some stage of anything we do, we find ourselves feeling very nonchalant about something that we once were really excited about. A girlfriend, a new car, a new hang out spot and yes even a new workout routine. So how do we get past this feeling and get the excitement back. Well the first thing we need to recognise is that it will happen. That's just human nature.

On a more practical level though and especially with regards to sticking to a training routine, in my personal life I found one thing was more potent at keeping me training than anything else. Feeling a difference in the gym every time I went to train. Listen, there will be days when you will want to half-ass it at the gym because you're just going to gym because it's your day to train.

If you catch yourself feeling like that rather give the gym a skip. Trust me, one of two things will happen. You will either find yourself extremely motivated to go after turning around and changing your mind or else you really needed to rest. It's simple. But how do we ensure that every session has enough to keep us wanting to come back and wanting more? It's how we use the time in our sessions as I mentioned in my last post.

And if you think that there is a secret formula to stay motivated, I agree with you, it's the very thing that keeps me going back and busting my behind every time I go to the gym. It's called having a plan and expecting something from your sessions every time. If you train to failure you are going to ignite something in your muscles that will have them craving the experience over and over again.

Don't treat your training sessions as just another nice to have or a must do. Remember, you want to be able to still be running at 50, tossing a rugby ball to your grand kids at 60, and for the ladies, you want to be able to say goodbye and wave your arm without worrying about the skin shaking up a storm. This is the only body we get this side of the great divide. Take care of it.

Remember, if you get excited about your training sessions on the days that you're not even training, you are going to love the gym when you do eventually get there.

Stick to it!

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