Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fist Your Gut To Shrink It

Before you run off to a quiet place and start going Ed Norton in Fight Club on yourself, allow me to expand on the title of this post. Many of us eat far too much. We eat way more than what our stomachs are designed to handle and there are a number of reasons for that.

When we are not eating regularly throughout the day but rather waiting for specific meal times we are actually working against our metabolisms. By the time we do sit down to eat we are so ravenous that we shovel down everything in front of us and end up overeating. By the time our stomachs register that the correct amount of food has been eaten it is way too late and we've ingested more than what we need.

Now, getting back to your fist. Your stomach ordinarily is as big as your fist. If at the present day you find yourself a little or even very overweight then this will no longer apply anymore but we'll chat about that in a minute. If we plan our meals everyday and make sure that we are eating no more than the size of our fists about 5 to 6 times a day then we will be able to monitor what we are putting into our bodies.

For those who are already over your healthy weight level this is good news. Start planning your meals today. Make sure the portions are no bigger than your fist and that you are eating frequently throughout the day to keep your metabolism primed for fat burning. Combine this with the great training routines provided and in six months you won't recognize yourself and neither will anyone else.

It's a great benefit to lose weight by eating correct proportions but it's even better when we can teach it to our children. For those of us who are parents, teaching your children the proper portion ratios now will mean that they will live healthy lives and avoid obesity and sedentary lifestyles later on. Take action today. Determine to plan your meals for your day and make them the night before. Make sure your portions are not too big and make sure that you do not skip meals.

It's all about planning and taking action. Remember if you choose to do nothing, it's still an action and it will bring results. Prepare for success and you will get it. Use the power of your fist to beat unhealthy eating habits. Train hard, eat correct proportions and watch the weight fall off.

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